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Government of Telangana

Ground Water Department

Sri A. Revanth. Reddy

Sri A. Revanth. Reddy

Hon'ble Chief Minister

Sri N. Uttam Kumar Reddy

Sri N. Uttam Kumar Reddy

Hon'ble I. & CAD Minister

Telangana Ground Water Department (TG GWD)

Welcome to the Telangana Ground Water Department (TG GWD), a dedicated governmental organization committed to the responsible management and conservation of groundwater resources within the state of Telangana. Our mission is to ensure the sustainable utilization of groundwater while preventing its over-exploitation and depletion, thereby playing a vital role in safeguarding this essential natural resource for both the present and future generations.

At TG GWD, our unwavering commitment extends to raising awareness and promoting responsible groundwater practices among the public, industries, and agricultural sectors. Through rigorous research, meticulous monitoring, and effective regulatory measures, our department strives to strike a harmonious balance between groundwater extraction and recharge. This balance is crucial for ensuring water security, preserving the environment, and fostering sustainable development throughout Telangana.

We operate in strict compliance with the latest rules and regulations, tirelessly working to facilitate the efficient utilization of groundwater resources. By mitigating the risks associated with overuse and emphasizing responsible management, TG GWD stands as an indispensable pillar of Telangana's sustainable development strategy. Join us in our mission to conserve, protect, and harness the potential of groundwater, a valuable resource that underpins the prosperity and well-being of our state.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a Telangana where groundwater is managed sustainably, ensuring equitable access for all residents while preserving the natural environment. We envision a future where responsible groundwater practices are ingrained in the fabric of our society, securing a prosperous and resilient Telangana.

Key Initiatives

TG GWD is at the forefront of several key initiatives aimed at achieving our mission. Some of our core programs include:

  • Groundwater Monitoring: We maintain an extensive network of monitoring wells to track groundwater levels and quality across the state.
  • Regulation & Compliance: Our department enforces regulations to prevent over-extraction and ensure sustainable groundwater use.
  • Community Engagement: We actively engage with communities, educating them on responsible groundwater practices and water conservation.

Join Our Cause

We invite you to join us in our mission to protect and conserve Telangana's groundwater resources. Together, we can secure a better future for our state and ensure that clean and abundant groundwater remains accessible to all. Explore our website for valuable resources, news, and updates on our efforts.