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Government of Telangana

Ground Water Department

Sri A. Revanth. Reddy

Sri A. Revanth. Reddy

Hon'ble Chief Minister

Sri N. Uttam Kumar Reddy

Sri N. Uttam Kumar Reddy

Hon'ble I. & CAD Minister

About Ground Water Department, Govt. of Telangana

An essential arm of the state government dedicated to the management and preservation of one of our most crucial natural resources: groundwater. Our department is meticulously organized to ensure effective governance and the implementation of strategies that sustainably manage groundwater resources.

State of Telangana

Leadership and Direction

At the helm is the Director, who provides overarching leadership and direction to the department. The Director's pivotal role is to ensure that our objectives align with the state's water resource policies and that we are responsive to the needs of our diverse stakeholders.

Organizational Structure

Beneath the Director, the department bifurcates into two arms—each with specific responsibilities that interlock to form a comprehensive management strategy. On one side, we have the Joint Director, a pivotal role that bridges the Director's strategic vision with functional operations. The Joint Director oversees the Head Office, the nerve center where policy formulation and administrative oversight occur. This office is staffed by Deputy Directors and various specialists, including hydrogeologists, hydrologists, and geophysicists, who work in concert to monitor, research, and protect our groundwater.

District Office Network

Parallel to the Head Office is the District Office network, which spans across 33 districts. This extensive reach allows us to tailor our approach to the unique geographical and community needs of each district. The district offices are vital in the decentralized management of resources, bringing the department's policies into action on the ground.

Specialized Labs

Completing the governance structure are specialized labs, like the Water Quality Lab II+ and the Water Quality Lab at Karimnagar, which are instrumental in ensuring the chemical integrity of our groundwater. These labs, staffed by assistant directors, chemists, and a robust supporting team, provide critical data that informs our decisions and strategies.

Our Commitment

Our organizational structure is designed to promote efficiency, specialization, and accountability at all levels. From the Director to the field staff in the districts, each member of our department is committed to a common goal: ensuring the sustainability and quality of Telangana's groundwater for generations to come.